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Viernes 27/09/2024


Youth Department brings El Navidando to Fernán Caballero Park

  • The Christmas gymkhana will start at 3.30 pm and can be played individually or collectively, with a maximum of 4 people per team, with a limit of 300 participants |

The Youth Department is organising this Christmas gymkhana to be held on Saturday 18th December

El Navidando is back. The Youth Department is organising this Christmas gymkhana to be held on Saturday 18th December, this year also with a new location. “We will go to Fernán Caballero Park, these are also activities that we want to take out of our offices and the locations where we had usually been doing them so that in this way, we can also involve the traders in the area and everything can be much more effective. Christmas atmosphere can also be experienced where we have the location of our Christmas lights,” explained the Councillor responsible for the area, Tamara Vera (PSOE). The most active and Christmas gymkhana will start at 3.30 pm and can be played individually or collectively, with a maximum of 4 people per team, with a limit of 300 participants. It also comes with new features: “you only need to have a mobile phone to play it”. Those interested can register through the application.

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