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Sábado 28/09/2024


This Christmas, solidarity gift

  • Eight charity associations are participating in this initiative
  • The Councillor for Foreigners, Arancha López (1st left), next to Katja Thirion, from the Foreigners deparment (1st right).

Solidarity Tables are open on Wednesdays and Saturdays, 11am-2pm, in La Cala

A total of eight associations are participating in this Christmas market organised by the Foreign Residents Department of the Mijas Town Hall, among them Mijas Felina, Age Concern, Lion’s Club in La Cala, Cáritas, Donkey Dreamland and the animal protection group ACE. “This initiative was launched last year, with the first Solidarity Tables set up on Christmas, with the aim of  helping these charity associations that work so hard helping families in need in the municipality, as well as animals”, explained the Councillor for Foreigners, Arancha López (Cs).

These Solidarity Tables are open every Wednesday and Saturday until the 22nd of December, from 11am to 2pm, at the square in front of the Mayor´s Office in La Cala. “We can find many typical Christmas articles, handicrafts made by volunteers, decorative items or postcards, among many other things”, said López.

This is a great opportunity to buy a Christmas gift for a loved one and, at the same time, collaborate with these charity associations. They need the funds to continue their excellent work. “Make Solidarity your Gift this Christmas”, this is the slogan chosen by the Foreigners Department for the solidarity table initiative. The Councillor invites everyone to do their Christmas shopping in this solidarity market, so we can all get involved in this altruistic initiative and help these charity groups continue their excellent work, helping those in need, throughout the year.

So, remember... "Make Solidarity your Gift this Christmas".

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