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Mijas lays the first stone for Afesol's supervised housing

  • The Town Hall has ceded the land, valued at 175,000 euros, and has earmarked 350,000 euros for the construction
  • The mayor, in the centre, and the president of Afesol, seated on the right, with councillors from the government team and those responsible for Afesol and the work |

Cuevas assured that this project is unique in the autonomous community

"We are very grateful to Mijas Town Hall for this plot of land, for the money they have given us, because it will help us to put many people with mental health problems into society and that, today, if it wasn't for the town councils, especially Mijas, we wouldn't be able to help them", This is how the president of Afesol, Conchi Cuevas, expressed her satisfaction and gratitude last Friday 29th October during the laying of the first stone, which saw how, at last, after so many years of effort and work, one of her most ambitious and hopeful projects, the construction of nine sheltered homes for its users, is beginning to become a tangible reality.  
The area where this building will be located is almost 500 square metres, in Camino de Campanales and the execution period is 18 months.  "I am convinced that it will be a reality sooner rather than later, and we will always be accompanying this project, in which we firmly believe," said the mayor of the municipality, Josele González (PSOE), who recalled the commitment of the government team for the construction of these nine sheltered homes, for which the council has allocated a plot valued at 175,000 euros and 350,000 euros of funding to promote its construction, which is subject to the support of other institutions to complete it. 
In this sense, the town planning councillor, Andrés Ruiz (Cs), declared that "this is an exciting project, for people with special needs, who need a chance in life and this plot of land that had no use has been put to good use for this great objective". Likewise, during the laying of the first stone, Cuevas thanked the architect of this project, Manuel Navarro, "for his commitment to Afesol". 

A pioneering project in Andalusia
With this development of nine homes, which is beginning to lay its first foundations, Afesol aims to provide social and health support to its users. The president of Afesol declared: `` from this point,  they can look for a job, which is what dignifies people, find a partner, have children and those who, for whatever reason, will have the social and health support that these people really need here".  
For his part, the councillor for Social Services at Mijas Town Hall, Hipólito Zapico (PSOE), stated that "these types of formulas are fundamental because they end up generating autonomy in people who have these problems so that they can develop a life as normal as possible, and that is what it is all about so that in the future they can leave this guardianship and continue with their lives in a completely normalised way".
Cuevas assured that this project is unique in the autonomous community: "There is no other project that has been done here in Andalusia, and we are committed to it and, of course, we saw that the Mijas Town Hall supported us and looked at it as a reality, so I encourage all institutions and public representatives that this should be so". 
The costs of conservation and maintenance, taxes that could be levied on the property, and any other expenses related to the use and enjoyment are to be paid by the association, including any refurbishment and repairs of any kind, according to the land transfer agreement signed.

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