Weather in Mijas

Lunes 30/09/2024


A little cat and her owner were reunited again thanks to the pet’s microchip

  • Tanguy Laurent is reunited with his cat Enya after being lost for over three months in La Cala.

After months without a trace of his cat, in September he received a call that changed everything: they had found Enya safe and sound

Many are the tourists who choose Mijas as their holiday destination. Tanguy Laurent is one of them, a young Belgian who decided to visit La Cala last June with his little cat Enya. However, the cat got lost and although Laurent did not cease in his efforts to find her, he had to return home without his pet.

After months without a trace of his cat, in September he received a call that changed everything: they had found Enya safe and sound.

The person responsible for the happy moment is Isabel Sánchez, a member of the Mijas Felina association who found the little cat  wandering along the street. “I just looked at it and asked the neighbours in the area if it belonged to any of them, but they said no”, said the volunteer.

“The cat was starving,” Sánchez continued, “so I decided to catch her to take her to the vet and find out who owned her. It was difficult for me to catch her because she is a very intelligent cat”.

Last Friday, September 10th, Tanguy flew to Mijas from Belgium to be reunited with Enya and take her home again. “I do not believe this is happening”, said the excited young man, “I am very very happy and very grateful as I had been looking for her for weeks. When I came home without her, I looked at her things, her toys, and it hurt a lot that she wasn’t there, I was very sad.

From Mijas Felina they remind of the importance that our pets have a microchip incorporated with the updated data and in order so that stories like this have a happy ending like that of Enya and Tanguy.

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