Weather in Mijas

Sábado 28/09/2024


Mijas will compete this summer for the Ecovidrio Green Flag

  • 'Banderas Verdes' rewards the efforts of the local hospitality industry and the Town Hall for their commitment to recycling glass containers
  • In 2020, the people of Mijas recycled a total of 2,028 tons of glass.

120 establishments including restaurants, bars and beach bars in the town have already joined this initiative

Mijas will fight this summer to win the Green Flag of Ecovidrio. The entity, in charge of managing the recycling of glass waste, launches the Green Banners Movement campaign, an initiative that aims to reward the efforts of the catering establishments in the area and the activism of the coastal towns.

This edition will have the participation of 41 Andalusian municipalities, to which our town has joined together with the Association of Municipalities of the Costa del Sol. The initiative was presented this morning by the councillor for Cleaning in Mijas, Laura Moreno (PSOE), who reported that "we already have 120 establishments adhered to this campaign with which we want to promote glass recycling and the importance that this has for the sustainability of our planet, while seeking to encourage recycling in the municipality”.

Recycling in Mijas

In 2020, 'Mijeños' recycled a total of 2,028 tons of glass container waste, which represents "more than 23 kilos per inhabitant", Moreno said. With more than 600 containers, there is already one in the town for every 125 inhabitants. “Mijas is a municipality that is extremely aware of the importance of recycling”, the councillor continued, “we do it with packaging and cardboard, in this case we do it door-to-door with all the establishments to facilitate recycling for businesses. Now we do the same with glass, since we are going to launch different awareness campaigns and even raffles to encourage and sensitize citizens”.

In order to make it easier for all participating hoteliers to separate glass containers, the entity will install new containers and deliver, free of charge, large buckets to facilitate the transport of glass waste. With a human team deployed throughout the area, the entity will visit the hotel establishments to inform about the campaign and encourage participation. In addition, it will monitor the filling volumes to adapt the collection routes if necessary.

The race for the Green Flag

Mijas will try this year to snatch the Green Flag from Marbella and Almuñécar, winners of the last edition in Andalusia. Banderas Verdes is consolidated as one of the key initiatives of the Ecovidrio alliance with the hospitality industry at a time marked by the recovery after the health crisis and the need for a green transition. In relation to Town Halls, Ecovidrio has established a specific scoring system to distinguish with the Green Flag the municipalities most committed to recycling, with criteria such as the increase in the volume of selective collection of glass containers compared to the previous year or the commitment acquired by local councils to promote, among others, the campaign among the catering industry and residents and visitors.

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