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Sábado 28/09/2024


To be vaccinated or tested, mandatory to get into Andalusian nightlife venues

  • The Committee of Experts has also decided to extend the measures adopted two weeks ago regarding curfew
  • The Committee of Experts met this Monday afternoon in Malaga. Press Department of Health and Families Junta de Andalucía

The proposed measures will take effect at 00:00 on August 5th

The Regional Government in Andalusia, at the proposal of the Committee of Experts, who met on Monday afternoon in Malaga, has decided to limit public access to nightlife venues. Only those who can show a valid EU COVID Digital Certificate or negative diagnostic test (antigen test or PCR) will be allowed in.

The EU Digital COVID Certificate, in force since July 1st throughout the national territory, includes the vaccination schedule, the recovery certificate or a negative PDIA in the last 72 hours. In the case of Andalusia, it can be downloaded through ClicSalud +, the Salud Andalucía app or through the health centres.

The proposed measures will come into force at 00:00 on August 5th and also those in force since July 22nd related to the modification of capacity and curfew are extended.

The Committee of Experts has also proposed measures aimed at controlling the transmission of infections in the area of ​​nursing homes. In this regard, it has been agreed to carry out weekly PDIA diagnostic tests on those social and health workers who are not vaccinated against COVID and, in the centres where at least one confirmed case is registered, the use of the mask will be mandatory for users, as it is currently only mandatory for staff.

The Committee of Experts has highlighted that "the upward trend of the pandemic in recent weeks, places Andalusia at a medium risk level although with certain signs of stabilization", as highlighted at the end of the meeting by the Minister of Health and Families, Jesús Aguirre. The counsellor has also pointed out that "the incidence in the young population continues to be very high due to the penetration of the Delta variant", with three times the Andalusian average among the 20 to 29 age group. "However, although this incidence has a lesser impact thanks to the high vaccination coverage of the community, there is a slight rise in the indicators regarding healthcare pressure", he added.

For his part, and with regard to nursing homes, the counsellor has pointed out that "although the cases confirmed in recent weeks have a minimal impact at the healthcare level, it is vitally important to strengthen this environment".

The High Impact Territorial Committees will meet next Wednesday to continue with the daily evaluation of all the parameters and will foreseeably meet again after a period of two weeks.

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