Weather in Mijas

Miércoles 25/09/2024


The municipality will adhere to the Covenant of Mayors on Climate and Energy

  • The plenary session unanimously approves joining these commitments to improve energy efficiency and promote the use of renewable energies
  • Lighting replacement work in the area of ??the Costa del Sol Hippodrome |

Both the Partido Popular and the non-attached councillor, Esperanza Jiménez, have requested the creation of working tables

Mijas will adhere to the Covenant of Mayors on Climate and Energy after its approval in the ordinary plenary session held on Wednesday morning. The government team has defended joining this agreement that advocates a commitment to improve energy efficiency and promote the use of renewable energy, "as Mijas is doing", as recalled by the Executive.

The point was approved unanimously, but not before generating debate and requests for specific actions. From the PP they have asked for further specifications as regards which will be the low-emission zones indicated in the pact and have advocated for making a diagnosis of compliance with Agenda 21 before starting new initiatives, setting as an example the lighting in urbanisations: “Maintenance work has been carried out on all of them, which also pollute in a brutal manner because they are pointing towards the sky and we are losing our visibility and our view of the stars, but no measure has been presented to put an end to light pollution”, said the vice spokesperson of the Partido Popular Municipal Group, Lourdes Burgos.

"In first place, this work begins in areas that are municipally owned and secondly, it will have to be carried out in those urbanisations, to which you refer, that have been received or with which we have agreements in place", explained the councillor for Energy and Energy Efficiency, José Carlos Martín (Cs). For his part, the mayor of Mijas, Josele González (PSOE), clarified that in regard to lighting in urbanisations, the Town Hall looks after "the maintenance and payment of the supply". "To make a general change including each and every one of these lights we would have to move on to a larger plan, which would be included within a plan of subsidies in kind", added the mayor.

The creation of walking paths, the construction of nearby parking lots or the promotion of public transport are other municipal measures to combat climate change that were brought up during the plenary session. On the other hand, the non-attached councillor asked for more green areas and both she and the Partido Popular Municipal Group advocated creating a working table. "We suggest that an independent working table be established, in parallel to the study carried out by the energy management department, so that proposals related to these issues can be presented and other organisations, local authorities, and civil society can participate", stated Jiménez.

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