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Martes 24/09/2024


The founder of the Cudeca Foundation, Joan Hunt, has passed away

  • Hunt's passing marks one of the saddest days in the foundation's 30-year history
  • Joan Hunt, founder of Cudeca.

The promoter of the great solidarity project that Cudeca has become has left as she wanted: "without noise and fuss"

On June 24th, the Cudeca Foundation had to mourn the death of its founder, Joan Hunt, she left as she wanted, "without noise and without fuss", it is "one of the saddest days in the thirty-year history of Cudeca”, they assure from the entity. From the foundation they report in a press release that Joan's last days have been "serene, at peace and with moments of humour and laughter, while being surrounded by all her loved ones". They also say that Hunt wrote a message for when this moment arrived:

“Do not be sad, celebrate my life, not my death. I have had a full and very happy life. I have worked hard, but always at ease, surrounded by the great Cudeca team, of which I feel so proud and which I deeply admire. I have always been moved by the love, respect and dignity with which everyone at Cudeca takes care of people in the most difficult moment of their lives”.

Don't send flowers to my funeral, send a donation. You know well that the donation that I asked for at my husband Fred's funeral, was the first backing to create a special centre to take care of many patients at the last stage of life and look after their families. Well, now it's my turn, and I say the same thing again, send donations that serve to care for, relieve and accompany those who need us most.

Care for Cudeca, I trust all of you: make sure that my legacy continues to bring life to the days of the sick and their families, with the special way of caring by Cudeca. And finally, remember me with joy. Being remembered means that I once lived and will be at peace. I wish you much love, success and growth for Cudeca. I chose the road less traveled and I leave Cudeca in the compassionate hands of those who decided to make the journey with me”.


Add life to days

Joan Hunt was born in January 1929 in Liverpool, United Kingdom, and after sixty years in her native country, decided to move to the Costa del Sol more than three decades ago, after retiring early from working life after the death of her husband, Fred, from cancer. This Englishwoman, who came to the province without knowing anyone or speaking the language, started the great project that Cudeca is today. It is an idea that arose with the aim of improving the care of patients with cancer initially and later also with other diseases and their families and that she described with the motto “Add life to days”.

Since 1991, Joan has been fully dedicated to this project and to promoting it and involving society in the value and importance of palliative care. From the Foundation they only have words of gratitude, affection and love towards their founder: “Thank you always and forever, for your generosity, your strength and your smile”. Rest in peace.

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