Weather in Mijas

Martes 24/09/2024


The Water Park reopens after being closed in 2020 due to the pandemic

  • The venue will be open until September from 10:30 am to 8:30 pm
  • The mayor of Mijas and the councillor for Parks and Gardens, speaking with a municipal worker, during their visit to the Water Park |

The opening of the park comes after a series of improvements that go through the fine-tuning of the purification and channelling of the water

Playtime for children will, from now on, be more fun and refreshing if they visit the Water Park in Las Cañadas (Las Lagunas), which this Monday has been reopened to the public. Throughout the summer, you will be able to enjoy this recreational area, unique in the municipality, and get wet under the jets, which will delight young and old ... Because, we assure you, that if you visit the park, it will be difficult in this heat, to resist getting wet.

The Water Park, after being closed in 2020 due to the pandemic, reopens its doors. The mayor of Mijas, Josele González (PSOE), and the councillor for Parks and Gardens of the Mijas Town Hall, Laura Moreno (PSOE), attended the reopening. "It will be open until the month of September with all hygiene and safety measures in place, since a specialized company has been carrying out these tasks so that our children can play here safely", said Moreno. 

The Water Park is located in the Las Cañadas area, in Las Lagunas |

The opening of this leisure area comes after undertaking a series of improvements that go through the fine-tuning of the purification and channelling of the water, "such as the renewal of the engines and the cistern and the grates have been replaced because we believe that the safety and health of the little ones is essential”, said the councillor.

The park is open to the public from 10:30 in the morning to 8:30 in the afternoon with the water jets active for ten minutes each time a sensor is pressed. “In this last year, what we have done, above all, is put a lot of effort on the part of the Town Hall to make it work perfectly because, it is true, that its system has caused many problems, many breakdowns, so we have changed the technique with the intention that the breakdowns are reduced to the minimum expression", highlighted the mayor.

The games all use recycled and purified water

The water, which continuously comes out through various jets and games, passes through a circuit that recycles it. "It is a closed circuit, which contemplates hygienic measures that make the water chlorinated every time it travels through the system and it is also not wasted", clarified González.

The flooring is also non-slip, although certain safety regulations must be observed: you cannot enter barefoot and you will have to put on your swimsuit. Parents, if they want, can stay around the area, in the shade under a pergola, and without getting wet, because the jets slow down if they are aimed outside the aquatic enclosure.

Parks and Gardens offers you this park... it is now up to you if you want to get wet or not. We invite you to do so, in order to keep cool on these hot summer days.


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