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Viernes 18/10/2024


The president of Adintre receives the British Empire Medal

  • La presidenta de Adintre, Joyce Gyimah |

Joyce Gyimah is the founder of this collective, which has been helping people at risk of social exclusion in Mijas and the surrounding area for 23 years

It was this summer when Joyce Gyimah, president of Adintre, received unexpected news from the British Embassy; she had been awarded the Honorary British Empire Medal for her more than 20 years of work supporting homeless and vulnerable people in Mijas and other nearby towns. “I am not good at advertising, I’m just good at working, but they called us and personally gave me recognition for that work. Every time there is a citizen who has a problem, they come to us and we find them a hotel, take care of them...”, explained the founder of Adintre during her visit to the studios of Mijas Comunicación. 

It has been 23 years since this association began its service in Mijas and the surrounding area, covering basic needs such as food for victims of gender violence, elderly people without resources, children and teenagers from families at risk of exclusion, immigrants, evicted people and people with reduced mobility. “We began by feeding people on the street, those who have no one or nowhere to go. But today Adintre is much more than a soup kitchen or a shower place, there are also people who live in their homes who can’t make ends meet and to whom we give food boxes. We have job orientation workshops, handicraft workshops, Spanish and English classes”, Gyimah said. 

Serving more than 1,000 people In addition, the association has interpreters in different languages and sometimes lends its premises in Fuengirola to groups, such as the Ukrainians living in the area as a result of the war in their country. In total, they serve around 1,000 people from Mijas, Fuengirola and Benalmádena. Adintre is also currently leading a project against illiteracy in Ghana. All this led to this recognition by the British Consulate, which the president of Adintre will officially receive in the coming months. “I always thought that nobody had to thank me for what I am doing, but thank God the recognition also helps, it gives me the strength to say ‘what I do is not bad, but I can do even better’. It means a lot to us”, Joyce said. For her, this award is a way to show people “the transparency we have in our work and maybe we can get more people to support us financially”. In this sense, she called on society to collaborate with Adintre. “I ask them to lend us a hand, to help us with our project, which is really beautiful, to put a smile on the face of those who have lost everything; there is no money that can pay for that”, Gyimah concluded.

Collaborate for a future with hope

Donate what you no longer use: clothes, toys, books, school material, shoes and instruments are always welcome at the association. Adintre needs the collaboration of volunteers to develop its projects and activities with people who are selflessly committed to helping others. The headquarters of Adintre is located in calle Feria de Jerez, no number, (between Fuengirola TV and the Juanito Sports Hall Juanito). If you are interested in collaborating, you can go in person or visit the website to find out about the different ways to help.

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