Weather in Mijas

Martes 24/09/2024


The maritime market in La Cala attracted many visitors

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The event featured 20 stalls with crafts and gastronomy during the weekend

The maritime market arrived last weekend at La Cala boulevard. For three days, this event has enlivened the atmosphere in this town by the sea,  with the aim of continuing to attract visitors. On Friday afternoon, the event was inaugurated, and remained in this area until Sunday afternoon. 

According to the councillor for Public Roads, Mari Francis Alarcón (PP), "this is the first time we organise a market with this theme in La Cala and we are very happy because a lot of people have come. Now that autumn is starting, we want to continue to encourage everyone to visit this town".

Las concejalas Silvia Marín y Mari Francis Alarcón junto a Alberto Gómez, asesor. |

Las concejalas Silvia Marín y Mari Francis Alarcón junto a Alberto Gómez, asesor. |

La caleña Inmaculada Jiménez en su puesto artesanal. |

La caleña Inmaculada Jiménez en su puesto artesanal. |

Otra de las artistas que montaron su puesto Roser Álamos. |

Otra de las artistas que montaron su puesto Roser Álamos. |

Talleres de artesanía a disposición de los niños. |

Talleres de artesanía a disposición de los niños. |

The market was made up of 20 stalls decorated with blue and white seafaring motifs. Many visitors, locals and tourists, wanted to know the different products offered at these stalls. Roser Álamos was one of the craftswomen participating. She had a stall where the sea and seashells were the main elements. "I am very happy to participate in these markets. I come from Rincón de la Victoria, although I am from abroad. I started making these creations with my hands as a way of therapy and, I liked it, so it became my profession. Besides, it is very nice and gratifying to see that people appreciate your work and say that they like it. That gives me great satisfaction and I go home very happy".

Visitors to the market were able to find seafood crafts, such as those on Roser's stall, costume jewellery and jewellery, teas and spices, traditional soaps, thermal and aromatic seed bags and some gastronomic offerings, with cheese and drinks stalls, as well as sweets for those with a sweet tooth. Some neighbours from La Cala, also set up their stall, among them was Inmaculada Jiménez, who presented her own handmade fabric products. "I have been participating in the Mija Pueblo market and now, as it has gone very well, I have decided to go with the companies that organise markets in different places. I am very happy to be in my homeland, in La Cala", she said.

During the weekend, the little ones also enjoyed trampolines and also painting and handicraft workshops. 

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