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Viernes 20/09/2024


The La Cala fair says goodbye in style with a successful audience turnout

  • The Rompeolas orchestra and the group Maníacos performed in the Torreón square

Ambiente en la feria de día.

La caseta municipal registró en su último día un gran ambiente con una programación variada.

La caseta municipal registró en su último día un gran ambiente con una programación variada.

The grand finale was provided by Maki, María Artés and Nyno Vargas at the Municipal Booth

Sunday was the last day of the day fair in La Cala. It was the last chance to have a good time at the Torreón square with the beach as a backdrop, and so it was, without a doubt, both locals and visitors spent a weekend that will remain forever in their memories.

The venue for this event allows you to combine beach and fun. This was confirmed by Pilar Quirós, who lives in Fuengirola but usually comes to the beach in La Cala, "after walking 3 km along the shore and swimming in the sea, we have arrived at the Torreón square to enjoy the day fair and a cool drink".

On the other hand, Rosi Rodríguez, who is from Madrid but is spending her holidays here, added that "I had never been here before, but I an really enjoying the atmosphere and the music right next to the the beach".

  • En el centro, la concejala de Fiestas, junto a varios concejales del equipo de gobierno, y asesores munucipales.

Among the public, we found people who take, having a good time at the fair, very seriously. In addition, those who at some point decided to leave their homelands to move to Mijas, also fit in perfectly with our festivities. This is the case of Luminita Nicolescu, Romanian by birth but now Mijeña. She has been living here for 22 years with her family and as she said, they have adapted very well. "We love the festivities, and we have always felt welcome, in fact most of our friends are Spanish".

  • En la plaza del Torreón no faltó la música en directo.


As every other year, the most 'marchosos' of the fair were elected. Last year's winners were still wearing their sashes and, of course, spreading good vibes. One of them was Sole Lastre, 'Marchosa' 2023, who explained to us the meaning of being a marchosa: "It means giving your all, commiting to the fair every day, even if you don't feel like it, but you still make the effort to come and dance".

The titles had to be renewed, so this year, the "marchosos" of the La Cala fair are Fátima Marín and Marcos Lozano, who claimed to have had a great time, to have danced a lot and to have enjoyed the fair, "which is the most important thing", they said. 

The orchestra Rompeolas was in charge of making the whole audience dance. Children also had a special place in the daytime fair, with games offered by the play centre service installed in the Torreón square. The group Maníacos was in charge of rounding off the day fair 2024 with a performance that made the whole audience sing along.

  • Los dos marchosos de la feria.

Night Fair

Sunday was also the last night of the fair, which once again attracted a large number of people, as there were many reasons to celebrate the last day of the festivities.

In the Municipal Booth, first on stage were the UP groups led by Juan Jesús Leiva, who explained the shows to be offered, "cumbias, boleros, tangos, bachatas, we want to show everything we do in the workshops".

The fair was a very pleasant surprise for many holidaymakers. This was the case of María Mendoza, from Melilla, who after enjoying the rides with her family and having something to eat, enjoyed the performances in the municipal booth. Of course, the families from La Cala also attended these festivities. 

Among the audience were many fans of Maki and María Artés who came from all over Andalusia. One of them was Rocío Moreno from Seville, "I love their songs and shows, I have attended many of them, in different places, such as in Seville, Huelva and Malaga". The first on stage was Maki. Who opened the show with the song 'Amor de mis amores'. María Artés was the next artist to perform

Finally, the concert by Nyno Vargas closed Sunday night at the Municipal Booth.

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