Weather in Mijas

Lunes 16/09/2024


La Cala de Mijas Fair is here with a programme full of activities for everyone

  • Manar Guerrero and Samuel Jiménez have been chosen as the queen and king of the festivities
  • El pórtico dle ferial ya iluminado |

On the first day of the fair the rides had a reduced price of 2.50 euros per ticket to celebrate Children's Day

Wednesday 24th was the first day of the La Cala Fair and the fairground was inaugurated from the main portico. The Mayoress of Mijas, Ana Mata (PP), accompanied by the corporation, groups, outgoing King and Queen of the La Cala Fair and visitors, cut the ribbon with the Andalusian flag and pressed the button to turn on the lighting.  After the inauguration, the procession walked through the fairground until they reached the Municipal Booth, where they wished residents and visitors a happy fair from the Mijas Comunicación set, “don’t let a single moment slip away, because today is the day, don’t wait for tomorrow. The atmosphere is amazing, people really want to have a good time and there are a lot of activities planned throughout the week so that everyone can enjoy this traditional festivity”.

Also visiting the set of Mijas Comunicación was Lola Arroyo, the town crier of the La Cala Fair 2024, for her this big week in the seaside town will be more special than ever.  “I have always been a fairgoer and, although I am not an artist when it comes to singing and dancing, for me these fair days that we share with family and friends, in a happy atmosphere, are very important because we create memories that will live on through the years”, she said. 

On this first day, the Municipal Booth hosted dance performances by Feli Gabriel’s UP groups and Victor Rojas’s students from La Cala. 


King and queen of the fair

The evening continued with the traditional contest for queen and king of the festivities, in which six girls and only one boy participated. The event featured three walks: one wearing casual clothes, the second dressed in a flamenco dress and the last one wearing a night gown. “It’s a very good group, they get along very well and have helped a lot during these two days in which we have been rehearsing the show”, said Víctor Rojas, who was once again in charge of the candidates’ choreographies.

The title of King was for Samuel Jiménez, the only candidate in the male category, who laughingly pointed out that “in the end I was the only brave man because my friends didn’t show up, but I’m very happy”. The jury also chose Nerea Gil and Olivia Maldonado as first and second lady respectively, and Paula Gutiérrez as Miss Congeniality, while Manar Guerrero was named Queen of the La Cala Fair. “If it wasn’t for my parents, I wouldn’t be here right now, I owe them everything”, said Manar very emotional.

Definitely, a first day that neighbours and visitors enjoyed to the fullest. 

Music and fun all week long

The mayoress of the town, Ana Mata, highlighted the programme of concerts planned for the rest of the week. On Friday night, the group Rock and Roll Star, composed of Javier Ojeda from Danza Invisible and Manuel España from La Guardia, will perform at 23:00 hours. This will be followed by a live performance by Joker Rock Band.

On Saturday it will be the turn of Keen Levy with his ‘Amazonian’ show from 23:30 and on Sunday Maki and María Artés and Nyno Vargas will round off the fair with a double concert starting at 22:30. Entrance to all the performances is free until full capacity is reached.

On the other hand, the Day Fair, which is organised at the Torreón square in La Cala, will start on Friday 26th from 13:00 hours with performances by the orchestra Rompeolas, Alejados, the orchestra Kalima or Maníacos, among others. There will be a play centre service and children's games will be organised.

More activities to enjoy the fair

On Friday night the draw for the king and queen of the fair in the baby and children's categories will take place from 22:00 hours. Those interested in participating can register from 20:00 hours at the municipal booth until half an hour before the start of the election.

On the 27th of July there will be a free video booth from 21:30 hours, thanks to which those attending will be able to take home a souvenir of the La Cala Fair.

In consideration of people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), there is no music at the fair from 19:00 to 21:00 and the noise in the rides area are also reduced, as the mayoress explained, the aim is for this celebration to be inclusive.

There will also be a ‘Purple Point’, a space for attention, information and help for victims of any kind of sexist aggression. It will be open from 23:00 to 03:00 on the 26th and 27th of July.

Municipal announcement

The Mijas Town Hall has issued a municipal announcement in which, in addition to the official programme, the rules of hygiene, respect and coexistence that must be observed during the festivities are set out.

In addition, from the beginning to the end of the fair, a hundred Local Police officers will be in charge of security, as well as members of the Civil Protection, Fire Brigade and medical teams.

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