Weather in Mijas

Lunes 16/09/2024


A popular consultation will decide the date of the next editions of the Mijas Fair

  • The Town Hall and the Junta de Festejos have reached this agreement "unanimously"
  • This year's edition will be held from the 4th to the 9th of September
  • Un momento de la reunión celebrada ayer por el Ayuntamiento y la Junta de Festejos en el salón de plenos.

The plan is to hold the neighbourhood voting in October

The Mijas Town Hall and the Junta de Festejos, made up of different groups in the village, have unanimously agreed to hold a popular voting to decide the date of the future editions of the Mijas Pueblo Fair, which is held in honour of the patron saint and perpetual mayoress, the Virgen de la Peña. This has been agreed, explains the government team, after the meeting held on Monday afternoon, in which the members of the board transferred to the Department for Festivities of Mijas Town Hall the "unanimous feeling" to make the query. 

In an atmosphere of "harmony and consensus", says the local government, three proposals were put forward: the first option is for the fair to be held from the 7th to the 11th of September; the second option is for the same date but with the possibility of adding a day before or after; while the third possibility is for it to be held on a weekend, considering that the fair could never end on the day of the Virgen de la Peña, the 8th of September.  

Thus, the process for holding the popular voting is now underway. First of all, the proposal will have to be taken to a plenary session to approve the celebration of the popular vote, which is expected to take place in October. After the outcome of the votes, the result will have to go through the plenary session again and, from there, it will have to be transferred to the Consejo Consultivo de la Junta de Andalucía so that it is informed of the decision adopted. 

As the councillor for Festivities and Traditions, Silvia Marín (PP), pointed out, "the aim of the popular consultation is to maintain a permanent date for the celebration of the fair, which is what the people from Mijas want. The best way to do this is for the local residents themselves to take the initiative in the programming and organisation of the fair". 

Fair 2024

Be that as it may, what has been decided is the date for the celebration of the Mijas Pueblo Fair 2024: it will be from the 4th to the 9th of September. The day for the presentation of the fair's poster has also been announced: the 16th of August. In this sense, the Festivities Department reported that the neighbour's request has been accepted so that the 'verbena' of the Barrio Santana will once again be the venue for the poster presentation and the opening speech, which will be a few days before the start of the festivities themselves.  

Rosa María Jaime Moreno, member of the Junta de Festejos on behalf of the Venerable Brotherhood of the Dulce Nombre de Jesús Nazareno, María Santísima de los Dolores and San Juan Bautista, stressed the importance of these preliminary meetings to convey the general feeling of the neighbours, as well as to highlight the reason for the dates proposed for the celebration: "The fair is really for her, for the Virgen de la Peña, so we want her to be the protagonist". 

The name of the town crier and the programme for this year's fair are expected to be announced in the coming weeks.

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