Weather in Mijas

Sábado 05/10/2024


The verses of 22 local poets invite us to walk through the streets and squares of Mijas

  • The authors performed a poetry reading last Friday 28th at El Compás

Foto de familia. Al recital faltaron por motivos personales dos de las autoras, Amanda Lake y Guadalupe Eichelbaum.

El edil de Cultura, Juan Carlos Maldonado, junto a Pilar Núñez, poeta participante de la iniciativa, que se encargó de la presentación del evento.

Una de las poetas locales, Irene González, durante la lectura de su poema.

Dave Alcaide fue de los primeros en recital sus versos.

Rosa Martín durante su intervención.

El acto se llevó a cabo en El Compás en Mijas Pueblo, en la tarde del viernes 28.

Cristina Núñez junto a sus versos en la calle.

Ponce señalando a sus versos en la pared.

The initiative promoted by the Department for Culture is complemented by the publication of a digital poetry book and an information leaflet

The streets of Mijas are covered in poetry. The walls of the town have become blank pages on which the verses of 22 poets from Mijas have been written. These authors are the protagonists of this year's programme 'Mijas a plena luz, poesía en la calle', (Mijas in broad daylight, poetry in the street), an initiative promoted by the Department for Culture.

In addition to this poetry tour around the village, this year the writers also met in the area of El Compás on Friday 28th of June to read their verses, verses about love, heartbreaks, friendship, dreams, memories and desires. 

This way, poetry and culture took to the streets in the voice of the writers. The participants shared, one by one, the story behind their poem and read it out. The councillor for Culture, Juan Carlos Maldonado, and the councillor of the government team, Mari Francis Alarcón, joined the local authors in this event. 

Maldonado explained that with this initiative they intend "to expand the tourist and cultural attractions in Mijas, as well as supporting and promoting the work of local authors". 

At the end, each participant received a diploma for their participation in this initiative which, as the name suggests, is about bringing poetry to the streets. The project is completed with a digital poetry book which collects the complete poems and an informative page with the locations of the verses. 

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