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Viernes 07/03/2025


Mijas joins the Pride Day commemoration "for a diverse society"

  • The statement acknowledges the achievements made but also the challenges to overcome for a fairer and more inclusive society

El Ayuntamiento de Mijas ha celebrado el acto junto a la rotonda de la Diversidad, en Las Lagunas.

La alcaldesa Ana Mata durante la lectura del manifiesto.

El manifiesto de la FEMP reconoce los logros alcanzados pero también los desafíos por enfrentar por una sociedad más justa e inclusiva.

Al acto, han asistido también concejales del PSOE, quienes recordaron que Mijas es un municipio declarado como orgulloso.

Imagen de la glorieta de la Diversidad donde ondea una bandera arcoíris.

El secretario general del PSOE, Josele González (centro), junto a ediles del partido en el acto del Día del Orgullo LGTBI+.

En el centro, la alcaldesa, Ana Mata, en el acto institucional con motivo del Día Internacional del Orgullo.

The Diversity roundabout hosted an event in which the mayoress of the municipality, Ana Mata, read the FEMP manifesto

One more year, Mijas joined the commemoration of the International Pride Day, which is celebrated on June 28th. The Town Hall held an institutional event in which the mayoress of the town, Ana Mata (PP), also responsible for the Department of Family and Equal Opportunities, was in charge of reading the manifesto of the FEMP (Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces), which recognises the achievements made but also the challenges to be overcome for a fairer and more inclusive society.

The mayoress, following the letter, stressed that "on this International LGTBI+ Pride Day, the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces and, therefore, Mijas Town Hall, reaffirms its unwavering commitment to equality, diversity and human rights". For this reason, continued Mata, "once again, we call on all local entities, in this case Mijas, to join us in celebrating diversity and in the fight towards a fairer and more inclusive society. We recognise the progress that has been made, but it is also crucial to acknowledge and condemn the discriminatory policies that persist in some countries. The lack of progress in protecting the rights of LGTBI+ people in certain places is a cause for serious concern. These policies not only perpetuate discrimination and violence, but also represent a violation of human rights".  

After the reading of the manifesto, the mayoress of Mijas thanked the work done by the Department of Family and Equal Opportunities, especially with schools, from where, said Mata, "we must continue to build a diverse and respectful society. Therefore, from the Mijas Town Hall we will continue to work in this promising sector such as childhood and adolescence, so that they do not have any prejudices in their development and, above all, that they have those values that strengthen us as citizens, such as equality, respect, diversity and tolerance". 

Criticism from the PSOE

The event was also attended by PSOE councillors, who recalled that Mijas is a proud municipality and criticised the way in which the government team celebrated this day, "without displaying the LGTB flag in the Town Hall", they said, "making the collective invisible", to which the socialists send "a message of encouragement". This was stated by councillor Josele González, who said that "unfortunately, we have a mayoress who, after the vote of no confidence, not only eliminated the Department for Diversity, but who, precisely because she governs with the ultra-right, is forced to hide this event, not to hold it at the doors of the Town Hall, to make the collective invisible and, therefore, to bow to the demands of her partners in government". 

The mayoress responds

The mayoress said that "these criticisms are totally unjustified, that the event was held in the roundabout which is a symbol of respect for others, where a rainbow flag flies and where the structure of the roundabout itself is painted in these colours. I think there is no greater example of our commitment". The mayoress also added that "fifteen associations have been invited to the event, including several LGTBI groups from all over the province" and regretted the "little empathy" that, she said, the PSOE  shown by not wanting to appear in the group photo taken after the reading of the manifesto, "something that shows their lack of generosity on a day when we all demonstrate that discrimination has no place in our society and even less so in our municipality".

Mata reminded the socialists that "there is the Department for Family and Equal Opportunities, which I have the honour of heading together with a great team", and that before being the mayoress of Mijas, she was general secretary for Families, Equality, Gender Violence and Diversity of the Junta de Andalucía, "always working with social groups and social agents. Therefore, nobody can give me lessons on equality. I fight, not now, but since forever and 365 days a year, for tolerance and equality, something that we also do from the Town Hall. It is our working policy". 

Mata stresses that "today is a day to vindicate love for everyone and the PSOE, once again, has demonstrated its lack of vision and its desire to spread hoaxes with these statements".

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