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Miércoles 03/07/2024


SATSE starts an information campaign against the "lack of nurses in the health centres"

  • The union denounces that more than 65 nurses have not been hired for the Costa del Sol Health District
  • Together with three other unions, they have called a strike on June 26th, from 8 to 11 hours
  • El sindicato SATSE está repartiendo octavillas informativas en el Centro de Salud de Las Lagunas |

The SAS recalls that 1,085 professionals have joined the staff in the province since June 1st, 594 of them will be there until September 30th

The SATSE nursing union has launched an information campaign to inform about the lack of nurses in all the centres of the Andalusian Health Service (SAS), setting up one of its stands in the Las Lagunas Health Centre, from where they are handing out leaflets. The union has pointed out that in the Costa del Sol Health District there is a lack of nurses to attend to the population. Specifically, the Satse delegate on the Costa del Sol, Alberto Ortega, explained on Friday 21st that "the holiday plan of the SAS has left a significant number of nursing professionals without hiring. In particular, here in the Costa del Sol district there are more than 65 nursing professionals who have not been recruited". 

The regional delegation of Health and Consumer Affairs recalled that, in Malaga, since the 1st of June, 491 professionals have joined the SAS staff; 233 are doctors. On the other hand, 594 workers, former Covid backups, will have contracts between the 1st of June and the 30th of September, adding up to a total of 1,085 professionals. 

The union said that this has consequences for the citizen, especially now that there are staff holidays and the floating population is increasing: "We have lost a paediatric referral nurse and the nurses for the 'Niño Sano' Healthy Children programme", said Ortega, adding that there will be an increase in waiting lists, as a nurse was expected to do minor surgery at the Las Lagunas health centre, who will now be transferred to other centres. Nor, he added, "will there be nurses to do retinography, cytology or attend to patients with diabetic foot". 

SATSE and other unions have called a strike on the 26th to denounce this and other issues, from 8:00 to 11:00 hours, in all SAS public centres.

The SAS also recalled that it is immersed in a Public Employment Offer aimed at doctors who finish their training in May. It also said that at Andalusian level there are 2,382 more professionals integrated since June and 3,175, former covid backups, who will have contracts from the 1st of June to the 30th of September. The rest of the former covid backups, 1,588 professionals, will remain in the system, "available to cover the usual needs, which are also fundamental", they reiterated, referring to the Summer Plan, maternity leave, temporary disability leave or High Frequency Plans.


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