Weather in Mijas



La Cala Lions Club gets a head start on the summer with a solidarity party

  • The event included a fashion show and live music to raise funds for charity projects

El Club de Leones organizó el pasado domingo su Feria de Verano en el parque La Butibamba (La Cala de Mijas).

Otras asociaciones y amigos contribuyeron en la organización de este evento.

Otras asociaciones y amigos contribuyeron en la organización de este evento.

El evento incluyó un desfile de moda de prendas de segunda mano y música en vivo, con la finalidad de recaudar fondos para proyectos solidarios.

Otras asociaciones y amigos contribuyeron en la organización de este evento.

La concejalía de Fiestas y Servicios Operativos del Ayuntamiento de Mijas también colaboró en el montaje de la actividad. Así lo confirmó el concejal del PP, Mario Bravo.

Otras asociaciones y amigos contribuyeron en la organización de este evento.

Otras asociaciones y amigos contribuyeron en la organización de este evento.

La cita contó con entrada libre y la opción de adquirir por 10 euros una merienda típica inglesa.

La fiesta también perseguía promocionar las prendas disponibles en sus tiendas solidarias.

The Summer Fair took place last Sunday in the park La Butibamba in La Cala

The Lions Club organised last Sunday its Summer Fair in La Butibamba Park (La Cala de Mijas). The event included a fashion show of second hand clothes and live music, with the aim of raising funds for charity projects. The party also aimed to promote the garments available in their charity shop. The event had free entrance and the option of purchasing a typical English snack for 10 euros, as the group's responsible for communication, Anita Van Gelder, told us. "We are selling a snack, which includes a glass of cava, two sausage rolls and a sweet with clotted cream, it costs 10 euros and everything is for charity", she said.

For her part, the president of the Lions Club, Brenda Meredith, said that "we hope to raise a lot of money for the lions so that we can help people in need and other charities, to whom we can give funds to continue their work".

Other associations and friends contributed to the organisation of this event, either by animating or by setting up stalls selling curious items such as those made by Mimoana. Its co-founder, Nikky Wegloop, explained that "our collective, which began in 2019 with the mission of cleaning up beaches and underwater areas every month, is also in charge of sorting the plastic and rubbish we collect, and we take what can be recycled and cut it up by hand, add plant-based resin and transform it into jewellery; it's a new way of recycling".

The Departments for Festivities and Operational Services of Mijas Town Hall also collaborated in the activity. This was confirmed by the PP councillor at Mijas Town Hall, Mario Bravo, who indicated that "we have to be proud that the Lions Club of La Cala de Mijas is so active and has been doing so well for so many years, because they raise more than 100,000 euros a year and help many associations all over the Costa del Sol".

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