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A hundred secondary school principals gather in Mijas for a training session

Momento de la inauguración de la jornada formativa organizada por la asociación Adián.

Al encuentro acudió Aurora Díaz, jefa de servicio de la delegación provincial de Ordenación Educativa.

La alcaldesa de Mijas, Ana Mata (centro), junto a personal docente del IES La Cala y técnicas del Centro de Información a la Mujer.

The conference took place at CIOMijas and covered topics such as the emotional wellbeing of professionals and the new vocational training law

On Monday 13th, the CIO Mijas hosted a training day for school principals from all over the province. Around 100 professionals took part in this meeting, where topics such as emotional wellbeing and the new Vocational Training Law were discussed

The Andalusian Association of Secondary School Principals (Adián) promoted this provincial conference, the first one after the pandemic. It was attended by heads of secondary schools in Malaga, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Special Education. Among other issues,they discussed good practices in the management and direction of an educational centre. Good practices are sometimes limited by bureaucracy and lack of time. 

According to Esther Luque, the provincial coordinator of the association ADIAN, "this event is a way to share experiences with people in the same situatio", in addition, Aurora días, the head of the educational planning service of the Junta de Andalucía, added that "in these events participants learn from each other, share knowledge and establish professional networks".

Among the presentations given, one of them was related to the emotional leadership that school principals must show and work hard on. 

Rosa maria arcos de torres, director of the marbella-coín teachers' centre claimed that "it is important that school principals are well, so teachers and students are well too".

During the day, the new law on Vocational Training, which will combine theory and practise for students at the same time, was also highlighted. 

It is expected that from September, all training cycles will be dual in the province of Malaga, hence the importance of preparing teachers and principals


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