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Mijas Town Hall organises a conference on co-education for families 

  • Co-responsibility and violence prevention in social media for teenagers will be the topics of discussion
  • La alcaldesa de Mijas, junto a una de las técnicas de su área Elisabeth Jaime, en la presentación de las jornadas.

On May 16th, two presentations will be given in Fomento del Empleo (Employment Building), registration is required before May 14th

The Mayoress of Mijas and Councillor for Family and Equal Opportunities, Ana Mata, presented this morning the ‘Conference on Coeducation for Families’, which will take place on May 16th at the Employment Promotion building. The initiative will be held on the occasion of the International Day of Families, which will be commemorated on the previous day.

The two talks are aimed primarily at “addressing issues that concern and interest parents, as well as raising awareness regarding the important role of the family in early childhood education”, said Mata. 

As the mayoress declared, “this type of initiative is very useful for parents so that they can learn, through professionals, social and psychological tools to deal with realities that affect us and that we often don't know how to face”. 

Alba Martínez Rebolledo, an educator, will present the first talk, ‘Educating for co-responsibility in the family’, aimed at parents of primary school students. It will be held from 18:00h to 19:00h. This session will discuss how to create an equitable distribution of tasks and responsibilities in families at their homes, in order to promote the need for collaboration adapted to the different ages.

According to the study ‘The Price of Conciliation’ carried out by the Association ‘Yo No Renuncio’ in 2022, “64% of women with children have assumed some labour costs, either by reducing their working day, taking leaves, rejecting jobs due to their working hours or abandoning their job. And 57% of them have accepted this income loss so they can undertake their household chores", the mayoress announced today.

The second talk, ‘Prevention of violence in social media with teenagers’, will be led by the social worker, Sara Vélez Eliso, and will be open to the families of young people in secondary school. It is scheduled from 19:15h to 20:15h. The talk will address how to intervene from a family perspective in cases of cyberbullying, cyber-violence or cyber-control between teenage couples. 

According to a survey conducted by Save the Children in 2019, and explained in today's presentation, more than three quarters of the respondents had experienced online violence during their childhood. Cyberbullying is the most common type, with 40% of respondents, a practice they first experienced between the ages of 8 and 9, and which affects girls more than boys.

This ‘Conference on Coeducation for Families’ is free and those interested in taking part can register through this link

The conference is part of the ‘Coeducation Programme to educate in equality’ implemented by the Town Hall, which also includes activities for students of all ages and in which the AMPAs also play an important role. As part of this programme, two workshops have already been held for families of infant and primary school students, ‘How to co-educate within the family’, and another for secondary school students called ‘Making visible the invisible’, which dealt with tools for detecting gender violence in teenage couples.

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