Weather in Mijas

Lunes 13/05/2024


The La Cala Lions Club donates 40 bags of food and toys to Cáritas

  • The donation took place on Tuesday 19th at the Lions Club charity shop in La Cala
  • Entrega de bolsas a Cáritas junto a la tienda de los leones en La Cala.

The Town Hall is grateful for the work of these associations, NGOs and groups in favour of those most in need

With all the money raised this year and the sales from their charity shop, the La Cala Lions Club has prepared Christmas bags which they have donated to Caritas in La Cala. 

The packages, which include gifts for the little ones, were delivered to the Cala parish on Tuesday 19th. According to the director of the Diabetes group of the La Cala Lions Club, Anne Bowles, “our group has been collaborating with the town and Caritas for more than 15 years. We want to remember that this Christmas there are families who don’t have much. Throughout the year we collect different things that we are now going to donate to these families. The bags include gifts, chocolates, wine and special food for Christmas”.

 For her part, the director of Caritas, Ana Marina Berdugo, affirmed that “this collaboration is destined to some 35 or 40 families, who are the ones we attend to throughout the year. These are families that are referred to us from Social Services and we are always coordinated with the aid”. 

In this regard, Juan Baena, parish priest of La Cala, assured that “ collaboration between the Lions Club, Caritas and the parish is very good, so we are grateful for this work throughout the year, which at this time is made a little more visible with a gesture like this. 

The Town Hall is grateful for the work of these associations, NGOs and groups in favour of those most in need. 

The councillor for Foreigners, Mario Bravo (PP), recalled that “it has become a tradition for the Lions Club to carry out solidarity work throughout the year and especially at this time of year”. Bravo wanted to “give special thanks to the Lions Club and also to the parish priest Juan Baena for taking charge of this activity. There are many people in need and the Town Hall often does not reach everywhere, and does not know who is most in need”.

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