Weather in Mijas

Miércoles 15/05/2024


Mijas installs a new mobile 'punto limpio' at the Las Lagunas fairground

  • With it, there are now four under the responsibility of the Town Hall, which is considering the installation of a fifth soon

El nuevo punto limpio móvil, destacó este jueves la edil responsable del área, Belén Roca, “es de fácil acceso para los vecinos”.

Con esta iniciativa el Ayuntamiento pretende también seguir concienciando a la ciudadanía sobre la protección del medio ambiente y la importancia de separar los residuos.

Pequeños aparatos eléctricos, ropa, pilas, tubos fluorescentes, lámparas, aceites domésticos, pinturas o juguetes son algunos de los residuos que se pueden depositar aquí

In addition to these, there is another one managed by the Mancomunidad and the fixed clean point in La Cala

The Mijas Town Hall is still committed to recycling. And to make it easier for citizens to do so, the Cleaning Department has installed a new mobile recycling point. It is located at the Las Lagunas fairground, a place, as Belén Roca (PSOE), the councillor responsible for the area, pointed out on Thursday, "easily accessible for the residents". 

With it, there are now four of them spread throughout the municipality because "apart from the two we already have installed: one next to the Mijas Pueblo car park and another in the San Rafael industrial estate in Las Lagunas, we have adapted two more points: this one we have in the fairgrounds in Las Lagunas and another one on Avenida Descubrimiento in La Cala. And there are plans to set up another point; we are studying its location", said the councillor.

In addition to these, there is also another mobile clean point and the fixed one in La Cala, both managed by the Mancomunidad de Municipios de la Costa del Sol Occidental (Association of Municipalities of the Western Costa del Sol). The first one goes every Thursday, from nine in the morning to two in the afternoon, to Avenida Águila Coronada, in Cerros del Águila; and in the afternoon, from four to seven in the afternoon, to Calle Sierrezuela, in El Coto. The clean point in La Cala is open from Monday to Friday, from eight in the morning to six in the afternoon, and on Saturdays, from nine to thirteen hours.

Roca assured that "with this service it is easy to recycle and a small gesture from everyone adds up to a lot; we have to make a more sustainable Mijas, a Mijas where it is a joy to walk through the streets and not find containers as we see in some places because of those who are uncivic, who are not aware that the street belongs to everyone; so we have to continue working very hard in this regard".

What to recycle at the mobile recycling points?

Small electrical appliances, clothes, batteries, fluorescent tubes, lamps, domestic oils, paints and toys are some of the waste that can be deposited in the mobile recycling points, which are a large compartmentalised container in which we can dispose of waste that cannot be disposed of in conventional containers.

Small electrical appliances, clothes, batteries, fluorescent tubes, lamps, domestic oils, paints and toys are some of the waste that can be deposited here.

The frequency of collection of this waste is, according to Alberto Coello, head of waste collection and street cleaning for FCC (the company that manages this service in Mijas), "every two days, which is when the bins are filled. The management we do consists of transferring an operator with a small open box truck, with a capacity of up to 500 kilos, they take the bins out, divide them up in the truck and we send them to the fixed clean point in La Cala, from where Reciclados Mijas takes charge of the final management".

With this initiative the Town Hall also aims to continue to raise awareness among citizens about environmental protection and the importance of separating waste at source for its subsequent management, treatment and recovery.

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