Weather in Mijas

Viernes 07/03/2025


Cerros del Águila bids farewell to summer with its traditional 'verbena'

  • The residents' association has been organising this long-awaited event for 15 years

The residents look forward to their 'verbena' every year

Victor Rojas dancers performed on stage

The president of the association, Anne Hernández and the Councillor for Foreigners, Roy Pérez (PSOE)

Councillor Mario Bravo (PP) with residents of the area

Councillor Eloy Belmonte (Vox) also attended the celebration

This is a very multicultural urbanisation where people of many nationalities live together

As every year, the residents in Cerros del Águila bid farewell to summer last weekend with their now traditional 'verbena'. It is a much awaited party by the residents of this area which, as they themselves say, has a special charm. "Every year we celebrate this summer fête. We have been doing it for 15 years now and residents from all over the urbanisation come to this party to celebrate, to socialise with their neighbours because sometimes they don't see each other all year, for work or whatever reason", said the president of the residents' association, Anne Hernández

In Cerros del Águila, people of many different nationalities live together. Many do not coincide on a day-to-day basis and, perhaps for that reason, this festival has become such a long-awaited event. "I'm having a good time and every year I look forward to the end of the summer for this event to take place because it is very entertaining", commented Edén Panadero, who values living in this "multicultural" place because it is "very enriching and also helps you to practise languages. 

"We really like this place, living here, we are close to everything, but at the same time, away from everything, we love it, especially for the children, the animals, for us it's really wonderful", added another neighbour, Marco Alpa, of Italian origin. His English neighbour Valery Wiliams said the same: "I really like living here", she said. 

Musical performances, bar with food and drink, raffle prizes... The Cerros del Águila verbena was full to the brim. Andy Elvis King and the flamenco dance group from La Cala, taught by Víctor Rojas, performed. Members of the local council were also at the party with the local residents. "We have spent 15 years celebrating this fète here in the area of Cerros del Águila and as we see it is always a success, especially after these hard years we have lived, people are eager to resume their 'verbena', after all, this is their neighbourhood, the area where they live, and it is a good time to get together", said the spokesperson for the PSOE municipal group, Roy Pérez

"It is a day of coexistence in one of the oldest urbanisations in Mijas", said Mario Bravo, second deputy spokesperson for the PP municipal group in Mijas, adding that "all the residents take advantage of this day to share their time together, but also if they see a councillor they take the opportunity to demand something that they believe they have a right to and I share many of these concerns". Eloy Belmonte, spokesperson for the Vox municipal group in Mijas, said  "I was struck as soon as I arrived by how well organised everything was, the area of the tables, the order in the bar, the music, everything was spectacular". 

The night seems to also have been spectacular for the residents of Cerros del Águila, who have been celebrating this 'fiesta' for 15 years now, and there will be many more to come after what we saw this weekend.

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