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Jueves 09/05/2024


A Tyler Kalinoski T-shirt is to be raffled off to raise money for the PAD shelter

  • Tayler Kalinoski, at PAD

Unicaja basketball player Tyler Kalinoski has teamed up with the Domestic Animal Protection Association (PAD) in Mijas

Unicaja basketball player Tyler Kalinoski has teamed up with the Domestic Animal Protection Association (PAD) in Mijas to launch a raffle to raise funds for dogs in need. According to the association’s Facebook profile, Tyler and his wife Maud, have donated “the t-shirt which the player was wearing when he won the ‘Copa del Rey’ this year”.

The association explained that from the 4th of April until the 30th of April donations can be made at and at the end of the month a draw will be held for the t-shirt among all donors, which will be hand-delivered and signed. 

“Tyler and Maud are great animal lovers and also foster when they can. Whenever work allows it, they go to shelters to walk dogs and have taken in 14 cats that have been happily adopted in their home over the last few months”, according to statements by PAD representatives, where the player went to walk some of the dogs.

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