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'Ellas, siempre entre nosotras', the tree for the victims of gender violence

  • On Tuesday 22nd, the talk 'Gender violence, a pending subject' will be given by Apaffer psychologist Montserrat Campos
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The La Cala branch offices are the chosen location to install this tree to commemorate the 25th of November

Mijas continues with its agenda of activities and initiatives to raise awareness about gender violence on the eve of 25N. On Monday morning, the councillor for Equality, Natalia Martínez (PSOE), together with the councillor for Foreigners, Arancha López (Cs) and some members of Soroptimist International, inaugurated the tree 'Ellas, siempre entre nosotras' (They are always among us).  The tree, which is "very representative because it has red shoes hanging on it as a sign of protest. It names all those women who have been murdered, victims of gender-based violence so far this year. We can also see their names, how old they were and how they were killed by their murderers. I think it is very important to put names and surnames to all these women, because behind each one of them there is a family, a life, dreams and hopes”, stated Martínez.

The tree was inaugurated at 12 noon. This is an initiative in which the Department for Foreigners and Soroptimist International have collaborated and which seeks "to give visibility to this social problem about which we must all be aware so that we can do our part and denounce any type of violence. It is a social problem that needs us to work together to fight against it", assured the councillor for Foreigners. "We Soroptimists have been working on this issue since we founded the association, as it was one of the first problems we faced. We have several projects that focus on women victims of gender violence in its different stages", added the treasurer of Soroptimist International, Aura Rodrick.

Event today
Today, Tuesday 22nd of November, starting at 17:00 h, the talk 'Gender violence, a pending subject' will be offered by Apaffer psychologist Montserrat Campos (In Spanish).

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