Weather in Mijas

Viernes 07/03/2025


Mijas claims freedom and LGBTIQ+ diversity in its first Pride Festival

  • The programme to commemorate this day began with reading a manifesto in the morning at the Town Hall entrance
  • The attendees enjoyed a speech by Katrina

Hundreds of people gathered to commemorate Pride Day last 28th June in the Mijas municipality.

Hundreds of people gathered to commemorate Pride Day last 28th June in the Mijas municipality. The day began reading a manifesto to celebrate Pride Day at noon at the Town Hall entrance. It continued, in the afternoon, with the first Pride Party of the municipality, which started its program at 8.30 pm in the Las Lagunas Theatre courtyard. Attendees also enjoyed a speech by Katrina, live music by Martha Perez and a large 'photocall', and other surprises.

"Today, from Mijas as every year, we claim that our city is a proud municipality, proud to belong to networks such as the Andalusian Network of Proud Municipalities and to be a diverse municipality. Day after day, we continue to move towards a society that lives, feels and loves freely. It was explained by the slogan chosen last year, and is consolidated this 2022", says the Mijas Mayor. He adds that "as long as there is a person who feels questioned because of their sexual condition, it will be necessary to continue demanding and taking to the streets to defend sexual and affective diversity. LGTBI Pride Festival in Mijas has this objective, to continue to join efforts to give visibility to the group and break any barrier to move towards a diverse society and respect. In this sense, the Mijas Town Hall has been working throughout the year".

The Equality and Diversity Councillor, Natalia Martínez (PSOE), has taken the same line: "throughout June, we have been celebrating diversity, with all sorts of activities that add to the commemoration of this day. More movements are joining this day. We are implementing initiatives and actions to give visibility and recognition to the collective every year". "In fact, this year 2022, is a positive year for the LGTBIQ+ collective, as laws have recently been passed that guarantee the rights and freedoms of the collective. Above all, we must not forget how much remains to be achieved, especially in raising awareness and sensitising the public'', adds the Councillor.

The City Council assured it continues to work on visibility, making a special effort in the educational field.  "A good example is the coeducation workshops held in the municipality's school centres. The number of courses have increased in parallel with the number of students, "thus promoting education as a fundamental basis for achieving a society that moves forward and in which no one feels discriminated against because of their sexual condition or gender identity".

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