Weather in Mijas

Viernes 20/09/2024


The Archconfraternity of "Jesús Nazareno" announces its procession on Maundy Thursday

  • The poster, the work of Carlos Moreno, shows the image of "María Santísima de los Dolores"
  • The Mayor, Josele González, and the Archconfraternity elder brother, Javier Martín

It also presented its traditional "Horquilla and Correón" award which went to the former "Peña Los Chotos" this year

Last Friday, 18th March, the Archconfraternity of the "Dulce Nombre de Jesús Nazareno" and "María Santísima de los Dolores" presented the poster for Maundy Thursday 2022, a photograph by the "Bolichero" author Carlos Moreno showing the image of its patron saint. The event took place in the Mijas Villa House Museum, and was led by its secretary, Salvador Pulpillo, who pointed out that the decision to choose a photo of the Virgin was marked by the coincidence of two important dates, "on the one hand, the 280th anniversary of the "Vírgen de Los Dolores" being in the Mijas village and, on the other hand, the 250th anniversary of the first known procession of this image in the town". Pulpillo added that the author couldn´t attend the presentation "due to personal circumstances. From the archconfraternity, we would like to publicly thank him for his good photographic work".

The group also presented its traditional "Horquilla and Correón" prize, which went to the "Peña Los Chotos". For those who don't know, when we talk about the "horquilla and correón" we are referring to a way of carrying the thrones or "andas". In this case, we carry the transfer, and it is something very peculiar that is maintained in a few places", explained Pulpillo. As for the recognised group, he mentioned that the "Peña Los Chotos" was a group that was born in the '80s. "From the beginning, the members of the peña carried the image every Holy Thursday and Good Friday through the Mijas streets. This link with the image of the "Dolorosa" ended up becoming the Brotherhood of "Nuestra Señora de Los Dolores in 1987".


The Mayor of Mijas, Josele González (PSOE), and Councillors of the PSOE, Ciudadanos and PP of Mijas Town Hall wanted to accompany the archconfraternity in one of its first preamble to the Holy Week of Mijas. The Fiestas Councillor, Tamara Vera (PSOE), took the opportunity to invite people "to enjoy these days, and specifically this Maundy Thursday in Mijas Pueblo. I am sure that, once again, it will not leave anyone indifferent and will make us all keep a pleasant memory because they are traditions that we enjoy on the streets".


For his part, the Tourism Councillor, José Carlos Martín (Cs), recalled that "this year, we are promoting Holy Week as one of our tourist attractions, our images in the Mijas narrow streets, and the charm of our landscape, attract not only visitors but all those who love these Passion days".


Likewise, the Councillor of the PP in Mijas, Daniel Gómez, expressed his confidence that "people will, once again, have enthusiasm and faith for this week. It is so important for many of us, and we will get rid of our fears, which is something we need, to get back to normality".

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