Weather in Mijas

Viernes 27/09/2024


Mijas invests more than 13 million in the sanitation and the outskirt of town

  • The Councillor for Infrastructures and Works points out the route of the East Mountain ledge collector.

The East and West mountain ledge collectors have been approved by the Environment and are awaiting approval from the Highways Department

Mijas continues to make progress to improve sanitation and solve the existing problems of dumping, especially in Mijas Pueblo and the outlying areas. In this sense, the first Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Infrastructures and Works, José Carlos Martín (Cs), detailed this week the projects that are being implemented in the short and medium term to “eradicate the discharges caused in some points by the treatment plants and expand the capacity of the pipes to allow the gravity system, all with the aim of connecting these areas to the municipal sewage network,” said the Councillor.

Specifically, four important projects have been drawn up, totalling more than 13 million euros and 19 kilometres of new sewerage: the East and West mountain ledges´ collectors, with 6 and 4 million euros, respectively; La Alquería collector, budgeted at 2.7 million euros, and the Mijas La Nueva collector, at 400,000 euros.

Recently, the Council has received favourable reports from the Environmental Delegation of the Junta de Andalucía for the collector that will run along the eastern and western sides of the municipality.

“Both projects are aimed at eliminating the discharges that occur from time to time and these treatment plants and will allow all the sewerage to be carried out by gravity and that any urbanisation or scattered area will be able to connect directly to these collectors and improve the sanitation of the area,” said the councillor.

These are two important projects in terms of economic value, as both collectors have a total investment of 10 million euros: “The east mountain ledge has an investment of approximately six million euros, with collectors of diameter 400 from Osunillas to the motorway. The collector on the western ledge, which will have an investment of 4 million, will come out of the Valtocado area and will also practically end up on the dual carriageway, which is why we also need authorisation from Carreteras to carry out the digging and cross the dual carriageway”, he explained.

Major projects

In addition, they are also important because of the scope of the works, as the collector on the eastern mountain ledge will have a route of 6,600 metres, while the one on the western one will be around 12 kilometres long. The first has a completion period of 12 months and the second of 18 months. At present, we are awaiting the reports from Carreteras before the works are put out to tender. These works, together with those already announced in La Alquería and Mijas La Nueva, which add up to 3.1 million euros of investment, will solve the sewage problems in Mijas Pueblo and the outlying areas, with a total investment of more than 13 million euros. According to Martín, “although they can be carried out independently, these last projects complement each other and are necessary for the connection to the municipal sewage network”.

The project to connect to the sewage network in the area of Mijas La Nueva has already been approved by the Environment and Roads, so that in early 2022 the works can be put out to tender for 400,000 euros. The project in La Alquería also has the report from the Environment and is awaiting the one from Carreteras.

“All these works in the short and medium-term will mean a leap in quality in the day to day life of the residents who will be able to connect to the municipal sewerage network and thus have a better and more environmentally friendly service, giving the possibility to rural areas and urbanizations of the municipality to be annexed,” he added.


The proyects

The project to connect Mijas La Nueva to the sewerage network of the municipality will be the first to go ahead, as it will be out to tender in early 2022. The rest of the projects are awaiting reports from Carreteras.

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