Weather in Mijas

Viernes 20/09/2024


Town Hall and 'Junta' value the Mijas Artisan Area of ​​Interest

  • Representatives of the Board's Trade Delegation visited the Mijas artisan workshops on Monday.

For almost three years, the municipality has been part of the Zone of Artisan Interest and has 17 artisan letters

In addition to sun, beach and golf, Mijas also owes a lot to its crafts. The municipality offers all kinds of handmade objects and gifts to visitors and residents. Last Monday, July 5th, the mayor of Mijas, Josele González (PSOE), together with members of the government team, visited some of these artisan workshops with the General Director of Commerce of the ‘Junta de Andalucía’, Lorena Garrido; the deputy director of Commerce, María José López; and the territorial delegate for Economic Transformation, Carmen Sánchez.

These artisans will be the ones who leave the legacy of their works. Although there is a risk that certain trades may disappear, from the Town Hall they assure that they will do everything possible so that this does not happen, "that is why it is so important", explained González, "that from the institutions we accompany and continue to promote the Area of Artisan Interest, which today has 17 artisan letters and two more that are being processed", to which he added that "some artisans from other towns in our region are interested in approaching Mijas because we have become the artisanal epicentre”.

For her part, the general director of Commerce of the Board said that it is a "pleasure to see the payment of these lines of subsidies come true and to see the modernisation of these businesses with changes in flooring and shelving". In addition, Garrido stated that "last year we took out a line of subsidies of 11 million for commerce and crafts in which 100% of the digital transformation and modernization projects were financed fundamentally". Mijas currently has 17 artisan letters.

Mijas cuenta actualmente con 17 cartas artesanas.

Craft Interest Area

For almost 3 years, Mijas has been part of the municipalities integrated in the Zone of Artisan Interest, a statement that endows the town with prestige. "Mijas is the only Area of ​​Artisan Interest that the province of Malaga has and this is due to the quality and quantity of artisan letters that we have in our municipality, not only in Mijas Pueblo, but also in Las Lagunas and La Cala", assured the councillor for Commerce, Natalia Martínez (PSOE).

According to the Town Hall, Mijas is characterized by promoting the handcraft sector, which has great masters who have been fighting for a long time so that their trades do not fall into oblivion. “Our artisans are a benchmark in the province of Malaga and I would even dare to say at the national level. Nowadays, in which practically everything evolves from manufacturing processes, having these areas such as we do in Mijas gives us prestige”, said the councillor for Tourism, José Carlos Martín (Cs).

From the Town Hall, they valued that “this visit means a sign of support for this artisan area that is so important and that at the same time, from the tourist point of view, makes us a place to consider. From the Local Council we are collaborating with the Regional Government by preparing documents or maps, so that those who visit us not only take away the magnificent image of our town but also take home memories made by the hands of these 'maestros' from Mijas", concluded González.

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