Weather in Mijas

Lunes 23/09/2024


The plenary session in May approves three extrajudicial proceedings for 316,357 euros

  • The first report had no objections, the second had discrepancies and the third caused a disagreement
  • On Thursday 27th the first face-to-face plenary session was held after eight months of online sessions |

On Thursday 27th, the Mijas Town Hall, after eight months holding online plenary sessions due to the pandemic, recovered the face-to-face format

Beatriz Martín. On Thursday 27th, the Mijas Town Hall, after eight months holding online plenary sessions due to the pandemic, recovered the face-to-face format to debate the items on the agenda of the ordinary session corresponding to the month of May. Among them, three extrajudicial credit files.

First extrajudicial file The first was a report without objections for 20,094 euros corresponding to invoices from the end of the previous year. The item, without controversy between the government team and the opposition, was approved with the votes in favor of PSOE, Cs and PP and the abstention of Podemos and the non-attached councillor, Carlos Rivero.

Second extrajudicial file The second extrajudicial file, also related to 2020 invoices and for an amount of 129,823 euros, presented a discrepancy and with it, a debate was opened. It was initiated by the councillor for the PP, Mario Bravo, who stated that “the fact that discrepancies occur one month after another, one year after another, and no one tells us why or what is being done to solve that discrepancy or set a clear criterion, doesn’t offer much confidence”. The councillor added that “there were 14 million euros spent in 2020 with a profound discrepancy between the General Intervention and the technicians of this Town Hall”. To answer this, the councillor for Finance, Roy Pérez (PSOE) stated: “the law is the law and discrepancy exists and occurs in all administrations, not all parties will always agree and, in this case, there is a discrepancy on the part of the Service. The way you speak gives the impression of absolute distrust towards municipal technicians”. The item was approved with the vote of PSOE and Cs, the abstention of the non-attached councillor and the votes against of PP and Podemos.

Third extrajudicial file The third and last extrajudicial file that was put on the table was for 166,440 euros with conformity, referring, according to the PP, to “irregular” contracts. “Take out the list of municipalities that can say that their nursery schools have been without a contract since June 2017, also bring out the contracts of any nursery school with extended contracts but that are not paying the fee”, Bravo demanded from Pérez, who responded that “everything has a contract in this Town Hall, this is not like when you governed, when contracts were not made or were made by phone; perhaps that is the management that you miss, the one that you praise and the way of proceeding, that has brought so many problems to those of us who have come later”. The councillor for Podemos, Esperanza Jiménez, who was in favor of the transfer of the management of public services to cooperatives and local companies and not to large multinationals, stated “we are talking about a non-existent contract and we are paying 126,000 euros to the company without a contract with the Town Hall. Faced with these irregularities, we ask the responsible councillor: what measures does he intend to take against the Clece company for this unilateral transfer of the contract and how is it going to be regularized?” Pérez answered by assuring that “the contract for the nursery schools is in the solvency phase and, shortly, companies will be able to offer those services”. The councillor also stated that “both major and minor contracts follow a hiring record, which is the difference between this government and that of the Partido Popular”. Despite the opposition of PP, Podemos and the non-attached councillor, the item was approved with the votes of PSOE and Cs.

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