Weather in Mijas

Lunes 23/09/2024


The three Pensioner's Centres in Mijas are ready to welcome our senior citizens

  • Works have been carried out taking advantage of the months of the pandemic with the stoppage of activities for the elderly

These spaces reopen their doors with furniture adapted to provide comfort to our elders.

The La Cala Centre is the one that has undergone the greatest transformation, especially in its multipurpose room, which has completely renovated its furniture

Taking advantage of the months of the pandemic and the stoppage of activities aimed at the elderly in Mijas, the Town Hall has promoted improvements in the three Pensioner's Centres in the municipality. The one in La Cala has undergone the greatest transformation, especially in its multipurpose room, where the floors and all the furniture have been changed, and a new access to the space has been created. "We wanted to promote all these improvements because the senior citizens have been demanding this from us for a long time and we can now say that we have fulfilled our promise, although there are still some issues pending", said the mayor of Mijas, Josele González (PSOE), who visited the centre in La Cala on Tuesday, in the company of the councillor for Pensioners, Tamara Vera (PSOE), and the president of the Association of Pensioners of La Cala, Remedios Fernández.

In addition to the improvements made in the multipurpose room, all the interior rooms have been painted, the bathrooms on the ground floor have been renovated, some furniture in the meeting room has been changed and new flooring has been installed in the dance room, among other actions. “Everything is looking beautiful and much more cozy. We are looking forward to opening all these spaces. Hopefully the workshops will start soon and we will see the men playing dominoes and the women playing 'Parchís' (ludo) again in the games room”, said Remedios Fernández.

In this regard, the mayor of Mijas assured that "if it depended on the Local Council, many activities would have already been launched, but we have to comply with the sanitary measures that the authorities mark and we have to be patient for a little while more". Also, González added that "soon our Pensioner's Centres will be full of life and the good atmosphere they enjoyed before the pandemic".

For her part, the councillor for Pensioners recalled that these improvements have been carried out little by little so as not to disrupt the day-to-day life of the three centres or have to close them in their entirety. "But today we can announce the official opening of our three Pensioner's Centres, which have seen improvements for the enjoyment of the many seniors who spend their free time in these game rooms and dance halls", said Vera.

In the Centre in Las Lagunas, the most substantial reform has been that of the dance hall, where the floor and blinds have been changed. Maintenance works have also been carried out in Mijas Village and the furniture has been renewed in recent months.


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